Tower Tunes Live Concerts very popular
The Tower Tunes Live Concerts daily from 12:15 – 12:30 pm have been so successful. Residents plan to be downtown around the square to listen to the tunes. Visitors time their visits to include this special concert. People have found their favorite places to experience this live music. Quite a few sit in their cars with the windows rolled down. Others bring lawn chairs to the courthouse lawn to sit in the shade and listen. The benches around the courthouse are occupied by Tower Tunes concert goers.
Quite a few of the musicians have enjoyed playing a theme such as songs from movies, love songs, songs from TV shows, musicals, and composers. Twenty-six people have played the Carillon so far with musicians from surrounding communities and states. Most have felt more comfortable after playing it the first time. Those interested in playing the Carillon should send an email to mahanaybelltower and you’ll receive a link to a Doodle calendar to sign up to play. Musicians must have 15 minutes of music prepared to play for the Tower Tunes Concert. We can make arrangements for a practice time prior to the Concert.