Caroling with the Bells

Bundle up and sing along with the Mahanay Maestros as they play familiar holiday songs in December. Each Thursday from 5:15 – 5:30 pm, a Maestro will play their selections on the carillon of the Mahanay Bell Tower. The Bell Tower Foundation invites the public to meet on the Bell Tower Plaza and sing along. Words will not be provided, so it will be fun to see who knows these songs, both religious and secular.

The Mahanay Maestros playing each Thursday will be Dec. 5 – Jenny Wills; Dec. 12 – Rita Rasmussen; and Dec. 19 – Danille Curtis.  On Dec. 26, new Mahanay Maestro Carol Hansen will be playing for the first time. 

Expanded hours for October

The Mahanay Bell Tower has expanded hours this year and will be open daily during the month of October from 10 am – 4 pm. With these hours, the admission will be $1 off throughout the month. Youth 18 & under will continue free admission courtesy of A & W Family Restaurant.

Bell Tower Tour Coordinator Pat Richards explained, “There has definitely been an increase in visitors during October in recent years. Traveling in the fall to see the changing rural landscape is very popular. The Lincoln Highway is a draw to many and visitors like to stop at the Tower to experience the bells and the view. There are several bus tours scheduled during this month too.”

Bell Tower Foundation President Don Van Gilder stated, “With this expansion of hours, the board decided $1 off the adult admission was a great way to promote this. We hope locals who haven’t visited the Tower in the fall will plan to do so. It is a beautiful view.”

The dedication of the Mahanay Bell Tower took place 58 years ago on October 16, 1966. This year, Mahanay Maestro Rick Morain will play a special anniversary Tower Tunes Live Concert from 12:15 – 12:30 pm. Bill Monroe continues to change the songs playing after each hour with a great selection of recognizable tunes including patriotic, religious and secular.

The Mahanay Bell Tower was named the 2021 Rural Iowa Attraction of the Year.
Special tours can be arranged by calling the Jefferson Matters office at 515-386-2155.