Tower Tunes Live Concert
Wendy VanderLinden will be playing the carillon live today.
Wendy VanderLinden will be playing the carillon live today.
Naomi Long will play the carillon today.
James Healy will play the carillon today.
Danille Curtis will be playing the Carillon today.
Josey Weaver will be playing the carillon today.
Sheri Sloan will be playing the carillon today.
Naomi Long played the carillon today.
Kassie Lamoureux will play the carillon today.
Martin McGinn, a 1999 graduate of Jefferson Scranton High School, was home to visit his family during the August 21 Solar Eclipse. He composed a special untitled-yet song to play during the event. The new 4 octave Carillon rang out in the partial eclipse in Jefferson’s downtown. As the street lamps glowed, the song gave an ethereal feeling to those listening and watching. This music was spectacular and made the eclipse special in Jefferson.
Martin plays and sings professionally in California under the name Art Elliot.
Martin played the Carillon on August 26 and plans to play again before he leaves on September 2.