Tower Tunes Live & Chews Jefferson

Lunchtime on Wednesdays will be one of the best times to be in Jefferson. Chews Jefferson will continue this year with a new twist on last year’s promotion. A Tower Tunes Live concert will be played each Wednesday in June and July from 12:15 – 12:30. Various local musicians have volunteered to play their choice of tunes. Rick Morain will kick off with the first concert on June 3.
With COVID-19 precautions, the organizers encourage residents and visitors to purchase take-out meals from any of the outstanding restaurants in the community. Specific restaurants will not be targeted for each week with no special meals planned.
Promotion co-chair Angie Gingery suggested, “Set a goal of a new restaurant each week as you enjoy a different concert. People can gather safely throughout the Square to enjoy their lunch and listen to the Tower Tunes Live concerts.” Suggestions are the Bell Tower Plaza, Thomas Jefferson Gardens, Sally’s Alley, or in their cars throughout the area.
The Promotion Team of Jefferson Matters: Main Street is working with the Bell Tower Community Foundation to offer these special concerts. 

Tower Tunes Live concerts on Memorial Day Weekend

The Bell Tower Community Foundation has scheduled special Tower Tunes Live concerts for Memorial Day weekend. A variety of patriotic songs and hymns will be played by three musicians over the weekend to celebrate this important holiday.  

Wendy VanderLinden will play on Saturday, May 23 from 12:15 – 12:30 p.m.  Yvette Bardole will play on Sunday, May 24 from 12:15 – 12:30 p.m.  Rick Morain will play on Memorial Day, May 25 from 12:15 – 12:30 p.m. with this concert offered on Facebook Live. 

At this time, the Mahanay Carillon Tower is not open to the public for tours but the community can still enjoy the music of the bells.  The bells continue to play each hour digitally with the Westminster Chimes at each quarter hour.  The four octave carillon also plays several selections after each hour.  

Other special Tower Tunes Live concerts for the summer are being planned.  The Chews Jefferson concerts every Wednesday in June and July will also take place.  

Please check the Mahanay Bell Tower website at or the Facebook page for info on the Tower.   

The Bell Tower Foundation oversees the staffing and marketing of the Mahanay Bell Tower through the partnership with the Greene County Supervisors and City of Jefferson.  Board members include Carole Custer, Peg Raney, Jean Feldmann, Nancy Gerken, Wendy VanderLinden, Don Van Gilder, Tim Christiansen, Bob Schwarzkopf, Pete Bardole and Pat Richards.  

Listen to the Tower

The comfort that continues is that the Mahanay Bell Tower will continue to chime every quarter hour, ring the bells at each hour, and several songs will play right after the hour. With the digital system, the bells can continue to play. Bill Monroe continues to volunteer to select songs throughout the year and many times he picks the perfect song for the situation. The bells playing can be that comfortable feeling of being at home in Jefferson. The memories of family and friends can be held dearly through a certain song being played.

We would have opened the Mahanay Bell Tower to visitors on the weekends during May but will remain closed. The Bell Tower Community Foundation Board along with the Board of Supervisors will make sure that whenever it is safe to have visitors to the Tower, it will be publicized.

So for now, enjoy the bells playing each day.